These studies are designed to help middle school students engage with Scripture and develop the practices of prayer and Bible reading. The studies vary in length from 4 to 7 weeks. Each study consists of a leader's guide and a student book.
We have begun writing Worship, Word & Way for middle school students. All materials are free. Check them out under the Youth tab.
Imagine giving a book report on the Bible. How would you summarize the truth of God’s story in a few pages? What teachings would you make sure to highlight? And if you knew that the entire church would memorize your report word for word, for centuries to come, think how careful you would be to get it right! This 6-week study looks at the fundamental teachings of the faith.
Creed–Leader’s Guide
Creed–Student Book
Can you name the seven deadly sins? They are all behaviors that are attractive to us, but in reality will destroy us. That’s how sin is. So the better we are able to recognize these poisonous patterns, the better we will be able to resist the temptation from our enemy to come closer. This 7-week study will help you do just that.
Fatal Attraction–Leader’s Guide
Fatal Attraction–Student Book
During adolescence and teen years, youth experience growth, change, and confusion as they make the transition from childhood to adulthood. Much of this process is a discovery of who they are and who they want to be. The goal of this 6-week study is to help students discover an accurate perception of themselves and their worth.
Hello, My Name Is–Leader’s Guide
Hello, My Name Is–Student Book
Would you rather be a hero or a saint? Today’s culture puts a lot of emphasis on heroes. All it takes to be a superhero is one unique power. But what does it take to be a saint? Now that takes character! This 4-week series takes a look at what it means to have Godly character.
Saints_Leader’s Guide
Saints–Student Book
Rules. Love ’em or hate ’em, it’s pretty obvious that we can’t live without them. God’s Law protects us from ourselves and our sinful nature. But there are other kinds of rules that have nothing to do with God’s Law. They are the rules that Jesus, who never sinned, loved to break! But how can we know the difference? (6-week study.)
Jesus, The Perfect Rule-Breaker–Leader’s Guide
Jesus, The Perfect Rule-Breaker–Student Book
We were created for relationship, even wired for it. But often we struggle with the very thing we need. This 6-week series covers all of our most important relationships, with God, our family and friends.
Keeping It Real In Relationships–Leader’s Guide
Keeping It Real In Relationships–Student Book
The story of the lions’ den is really a picture of Daniel’s life. He walked among lions every day—vicious people who wanted to get rid of him. But when you look at it that way, so do we! In this 6-week study we will talk about six things that will help us fight the lions: faith, values, habits, friends, wisdom, and courage.
Living Among Lions–Leader’s Guide
Living Among Lions–Student Book
Do you like stories? If so, you will enjoy this 4-week series about the Storyteller and the way He taught us about His kingdom. A parable is a short story that uses situations and objects from everyday life to make a single point. Each one carries deep spiritual meaning and application that is easy to miss without the context.
Once Upon A Parable–Leader’s Guide
Once Upon A Parable–Student Book
THREADS is a study about the story of Joseph, but it is also about everyone’s story. This 6-week journey examines the choices, habits and character traits of Joseph and the challenges he faced. Even though he lived thousands of years ago, his problems were not all that different from ours.
Threads–Leader’s Guide
Threads–Student Book
This 4-week study looks at the invisible spiritual conflict that is waged around us everyday. What do we know about these forces and their objectives? For tactical information on how to fight this war, what weapons to use, and where to find reinforcements, complete this study with the aid of your field manual (the Bible) as you report regularly to the Commander-in-Chief.
War of the Worlds–Leader’s Guide
War of the Worlds–Student Book